WP 5
Work Package 5 Leader: DSc. Marcin Barburski, prof. TUL, Lodz University of Technology
Task 5.1. Design of composite reinforcements. (Month 12 – Month 16)
Task Leader: University of Borås (HB)
Using the modern design methodologies, projecting and designing of the elements’ dependence with special purposes (box for air-condition equipment or battery, drone elements, bars in the aircraft or automobiles) will be done. The activities will be conducted at Lodz University of Technology during the Incoming Twinning expert visit from University of Borås (Task 3.1).
Task 5.2. Realization of embroidery on a technical computer embroidery machine with the use of natural fibers. (Month 13 – Month 16)
Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)
Designed embroidery from Task 5.1 will be produced at Lodz University of Technology. The embroidery will be made on a computerized embroidery machine, type ZSK JCZA 0109-550. This type of embroidery machine is equipped with a W-type head, which allows the selected medium (in this case: flax roving) to be placed on a textile backing in the X and Y axis system. Embroidery variants will be designed in a program for these embroiderers' machines - GiS BasePack, version 10.
Task 5.3. Realization of fabrics as reinforcements for composites on a loom. (Month 13 – Month 16)
Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)
Designed woven fabrics from Task 5.1 will be produced at Lodz University of Technology. The works, based on previous designs, will include realization of fabrics on a full industry item jacquard loom, present at Lodz University of Technology. Also, there will be used a small 60 cm fabric loom with 16 harnesses, which will be purchased by the Faculty and used for this research, as well as for the training activities and workshops planned in the project.
Task 5.4. Realization of shaped braids. (Month 15 – Month 18)
Task Leader: RWTH Aachen University (ITA)
Designed in Task 5.1 braided fabrics will be produced in ITA during the Outgoing short-term visit by TUL and advanced partners. ITA is equipped with a laboratory with special looms and a braiding machine to produce 3D textiles.
Task 5.5. Fabrication of composites with the use of bio-resin. (Month 24 – Month 28)
Task Leader: University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)
All the reinforcements obtained will be laminated with bio-resin, the composites will be made using the vacuum bag method. The use of bio-resin will enable the subsequent biodegradation of the produced composites and facilitate their recycling what is compatible with sustainable production. The activities will be conducted at UNIZAR during the Outgoing short-term visit by TUL and advanced partners’ researchers to UNIZAR.
Task 5.6. Examination of internal structures, geometry and mechanical properties of manufactured textile products and composites. (Month 19 – Month 21, Month 28 – Month 36)
Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)
The produced samples will be a subjected to strength tests - tensile strength, tensile elongation and bending strength. The results of Tasks 5.1 – 5.6 implementation will be presented in at list 3 research articles (Month 36) produced in co-authorship of the representatives of TUL, HB, ITA and UZ. The articles will be published in high impact journals.
Task 5.7. Examination of sustainable development aspects in the products obtained in the project. (Month 13 – Month 21, Month 28 – Month 36)
Task Leader: University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)
The principles of sustainable development will be taken into account at the stage of designing the reinforcements. The results of this Task implementation will be presented in 1 research article (Month 36) produced in co-authorship of the consortium members, and in not less than 5 scientific conferences reports, and used for the educational courses for Master and for PhD students (TUL, Month 36).