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WP 1

Task 1.1. Short-term visits

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL) with support of University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR), RWTH Aachen University (ITA), and University of Boras (HB). (Month 1- Month 4)


Within the short-term study tour task framework, four TUL researchers and one person from Wademekum company will visit the foreign Twinning Partners for 2-3 days per visit. The main aim of these tours is to learn about the research infrastructures available at each partner organization for the realization of the project. Additionally, the representatives of foreign institutes will also be able to join the tour when it is organized out of their university.


A study tour of TUL researchers to the foreign Twinning Partners has been planned between October 2022- January 2023. For more  information, please click here.



Task 1.2. Creation and exploitation of the Industry-Research Dialog Platform

Task Leader: Wademekum (WAD) with support of Lodz University of Technology (TUL). (Month 2 –Month 36)


Wademekum will be responsible for the development of the Industry-Research Dialog Platform, based on the project website, including online knowledge exchange platform and survey tool for cooperation with SMEs. This tool will allow recognition of the needs of companies in new technologies and innovation solutions for the dissemination campaign targeted at the industry and SME stakeholders. The database of companies from transportation, aerospace, marine etc.



Task 1.3. Development of the Joint Research and Innovation Road Map

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology with support of all the partners. (Month 2- Month 36)


The Road Map will be developed based on the data obtained from Task 1.1,. It will indicate the main directions of the partners’ research cooperation development and will expand the application ways for the knowledge and skills of the members.

WP 2

Work Package 2 Leader: Dr. Lena Berglin, University of Borås (HB), Sweden

Task 2.1. Short-term staff exchanges and expert visits for acquisition of know-how and experience in the field of design. (Month 3 – Month 17)

Task Leader: University of Borås.


Under the short-term staff exchange framework 2 researchers from March 2023 to April 2023 ; 2 researchers from May 2023 to June 2023 from Lodz University of Technology, and 1 researcher from each partner institute (RWTH Aachen University and University of Zaragoza) will perform a research work at University of Borås.



Task 2.2. Training on design for business and science community

Task Leader: University of Borås. (Month 12-Month 17)


Scientists from University of Borås will organize a training on design for business and science community in September/October 2023.



Task 2.3. Training on rapid prototyping for business and science community

Task Leader: University of Borås. (Month 13-Month 17)


Scientists from University of Borås will organize a training on rapid prototyping for business and science community in September/October 2023.


WP 3

Work Package 3 Leader: Dr. Christoph Greb, RWTH Aachen University (ITA), Germany

Task 3.1. Short-term staff exchanges and expert visits for acquaintance with know-how and acquisition of experience in the field of processing of technical textile structures. (Month 12-Month 21)

Task Leader: RWTH Aachen University (ITA)


Under the short-term staff exchange framework three researchers from Lodz University of Technology and one researcher from each partner institute (University of Boras and University of Zaragoza) will conduct research work at RWTH Aachen University from January 2024 to February 2024.



Task 3.2. Training on processing of technical textile structures for business and science community. (M17 - M22)

Task Leader: RWTH Aachen University (ITA)


Scientists from RWTH Aachen University will organize a training on processing of technical textile structures for business and science community in April/May 2024.



Task 3.3. Workshop and lectures on basic aspects and metrology methods for physical characterization of technical textiles for Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) of Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design(FMTTD). (M17 - M24)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


Scientists from Lodz University of Technology will organize workshop and lectures on basic aspects and metrology methods for physical characterization of technical textiles for Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) of Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design in April/May 2024.


WP 4

​Work Package 4 Leader: Dr. David Ranz, Assoc. Prof., University of Zaragoza, Spain

Task 4.1. Short-term staff exchanges and expert visits for acquaintance with the sustainable development aspects in production of innovative Textile Reinforcement Composites. (Month 23 – Month 33)

Task Leader: University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)


Under the short-term staff exchange framework four researchers from Lodz University of Technology and one researcher from each partner institute (University of Boras and RWTH Aachen University) will conduct research work at University of Zaragoza from October 2024 to November 2024.



Task 4.2. Training on the Life Cycle Assessment application for innovative composites evaluation for business and science community. (Month 27 – Month 33)

Task Leader: University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)


Scientists from University of Zaragoza will organize a training on the Life Cycle Assessment application for innovative composites evaluation for business and science community in January/February 2025.


WP 5

Work Package 5 Leader: DSc. Marcin Barburski, prof. TUL, Lodz University of Technology

Task 5.1. Design of composite reinforcements. (Month 12 – Month 16)

Task Leader: University of Borås (HB)


Using the modern design methodologies, projecting and designing of the elements’ dependence with special purposes (box for air-condition equipment or battery, drone elements, bars in the aircraft or automobiles) will be done. The activities will be conducted at Lodz University of Technology during the Incoming Twinning expert visit from University of Borås (Task 3.1).



Task 5.2. Realization of embroidery on a technical computer embroidery machine with the use of natural fibers. (Month 13 – Month 16)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


Designed embroidery from Task 5.1 will be produced at Lodz University of Technology. The embroidery will be made on a computerized embroidery machine, type ZSK JCZA 0109-550. This type of embroidery machine is equipped with a W-type head, which allows the selected medium (in this case: flax roving) to be placed on a textile backing in the X and Y axis system. Embroidery variants will be designed in a program for these embroiderers' machines - GiS BasePack, version 10.



Task 5.3. Realization of fabrics as reinforcements for composites on a loom. (Month 13 – Month 16)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


Designed woven fabrics from Task 5.1 will be produced at Lodz University of Technology. The works, based on previous designs, will include realization of fabrics on a full industry item jacquard loom, present at Lodz University of Technology. Also, there will be used a small 60 cm fabric loom with 16 harnesses, which will be purchased by the Faculty and used for this research, as well as for the training activities and workshops planned in the project.  



Task 5.4. Realization of shaped braids. (Month 15 – Month 18)

Task Leader: RWTH Aachen University (ITA)


Designed in Task 5.1 braided fabrics will be produced in ITA during the Outgoing short-term visit by TUL and advanced partners. ITA is equipped with a laboratory with special looms and a braiding machine to produce 3D textiles.  



Task 5.5. Fabrication of composites with the use of bio-resin. (Month 24 – Month 28)

Task Leader: University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)


All the reinforcements obtained will be laminated with bio-resin, the composites will be made using the vacuum bag method. The use of bio-resin will enable the subsequent biodegradation of the produced composites and facilitate their recycling what is compatible with sustainable production. The activities will be conducted at UNIZAR during the Outgoing short-term visit by TUL and advanced partners’ researchers to UNIZAR.



Task 5.6. Examination of internal structures, geometry and mechanical properties of manufactured textile products and composites. (Month 19 – Month 21, Month 28 – Month 36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


The produced samples will be a subjected to strength tests - tensile strength, tensile elongation and bending strength. The results of Tasks 5.1 – 5.6 implementation will be presented in at list 3 research articles (Month 36) produced in co-authorship of the representatives of TUL, HB, ITA and UZ. The articles will be published in high impact journals.



Task 5.7. Examination of sustainable development aspects in the products obtained in the project. (Month 13 – Month 21, Month 28 – Month 36)

Task Leader: University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)


The principles of sustainable development will be taken into account at the stage of designing the reinforcements. The results of this Task implementation will be presented in 1 research article (Month 36) produced in co-authorship of the consortium members, and in not less than 5 scientific conferences reports, and used for the educational courses for Master and for PhD students (TUL, Month 36).  


WP 6

The main goal of this work package is strengthening TUL research management, administrative skills and building the necessary capacity to allow successful participation in R&I projects.


Lead Beneficiary: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)

Duration: December 2022 to May 2025


Task 6.1. Strengthening TUL research management marathon. (Month 5 – Month 30)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


There will be a one-day (4 hours) roundtable discussion between the TUL vice-deans responsible for research (9 persons) and the representatives of each advanced partner institutes for experience exchange in May 2023.


Four workshops in the area of research management and administration will be organized between Month 13 and Month 16 . Each advanced partner will organize one workshop for Science Department of Lodz University of Technology.


Preparation of the Guidelines on Research Management and Administration for TUL and the Guidelines for the Gender Equality Plan Advancement (Month 17 – Month 25). The Guidelines will be created in English and translated by TUL in Polish. They will be published as an electronic material and uploaded to the project website.


The International Conference “Strengthening research management and administration: experience and prospects” (Month 30). The Conference will be conducted in Lodz (Poland) with an opportunity to conduct it in a remote mode in a case of any epidemic restrictions. It will be a 2-day event in the TUL premises for 100 persons. (March 2025).



Task 6.2. Strengthening TUL necessary capacity to allow successful participation in R&I projects. (Month 3 – Month 7, Month 15 – Month 19, Month 24 – Month 32)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


Two roundtables (3-hour events; in a form of video conferences) will be organized on Horizon Europe and other international research project preparation, and on international projects management/administration. The meeting will be conducted in a remote mode with participation of University of Zaragoza, RWTH Aachen university, and University of Boras project leaders, project offices’ employees and administrative managers of the scientific activities. The roundtables will be conducted in February 2023 and  February 2024.


Three workshops (3-hour events; in a form of video conferences), conducted by each partner HEI in turn - UZ, ITA and HB – on the features and tips of proposal preparation and management/administration of international research projects in textile and composite fields in Month 5 and Month 7.



Task 6.3. Joint summer school “Personal skills for the excellence in science” for Early-Stage Researchers of Lodz University of Technology (Month 15 – Month 24)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


Thirty, Early-Stage Researchers of Lodz University of Technology will be trained by the main researchers from Lodz University of Technology, University of Boras, RWTH Aachen University, and University of Zaragoza, and practitioners from Wademekum. The training topics are:


Acquaintance with techniques and practical skills needed for self-presentation, interpersonal communication and general social skills (Wademekum).


Gaining knowledge and skills related to the preparation of project proposals (University of Boras)


Obtaining knowledge and intensifying practical skills in the field of international patent protection (RWTH Aachen University).


Course of circular economy of product (University of Boras).

WP 7

Work Package 7 Leader: MSc. Agata Poniecka, Lodz University of Technology

Task 7.1. Launch and work of the project website. (Month 1-Month 36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


The website will present all the information related to the project and become a forum for consortium partners. The website will be supported beyond the project timeline for the project exploitation and dissemination.  



Task 7.2. Dissemination and Communication Plan implementation and updating. (Month 1-Month 36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology, all partners involved


The strategic plan for all dissemination and communication activities, outlined at the application stage, will be developed and detailed (Month 3). It will be implemented throughout the project and after the project’s completion. The Plan will be a subject to yearly update.  



Task 7.3. Building the bridges for exploitation of the project scientific results. (Month 7-Month 36)

Task Leader: Wademekum (WAD)


Two times within the SustDesignTex project – in the second (Month 18) and third (Month 27) years of its implementation, Science-Business Forum for around 30 participants will be organized. During the project 10 – 15 face-to-face meetings with most promising for cooperation companies will be organized. Promotional materials and e-catalogues of research services, technologies or patents offered for SMEs and industry will be used at above mentioned meetings and Science-Business Forums. The project results by publication of articles in the local and international media. At least one application for patents will be field in the US and Europe in order to ensure the protection of new ideas and concepts developed during the project.  



Task 7.4. Participation in international conferences and fairs. (Month 7-Month 36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


In the framework of the SustDesignTex Twinning project, the consortium members will take part in conferences in Europe, in COMPOSITES EUROPE international fairs. The results of this work will be published in journals.  



Task 7.5. National and international Conferences “InnovaTex - future of the textile reinforcement composites”. (Month 4 – Month 10, Month 19-Month 28) November 2023 and  January 2025

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


The main objective of this task will be to organize two Technical Textile Conferences InnovaTex. Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Lodz University of Technology has so far organized three editions of this conference, but they were held at the national level. Lodz University of Technology also plans to organize a national conference with a panel dedicated to composites. InnovaTex International Conference will be held in the third year of the project.  

WP 8

Work Package 8 Leader: DSc. Marcin Barburski, prof. TUL, Lodz University of Technology

Task 8.1. Project organization and management. (M1-M36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


The organizational structure of the project management will include the following Consortium Bodies: 


The General Assembly (GA) - the strategic and ultimate decision-making body of the consortium, consisting of representatives of all the Partners.


The Project Coordinator (PC) - will be responsible for coordination and administration of the project and contact with the European Commission, administration of all legal and contractual issues, implementation of the Consortium Agreement, execution of the Grant Agreement, financial management and distribution of funds, efficient communication among the Partners, organization of the project’s meetings, the activity and financial reports.


The Management Committee (MC) - will be an executive body supporting the overall project coordination.


Research and Innovation Advisory Board (RIAB) - Coordination and/or support measures and methodology.



Task 8.2. Project internal and external communication management. Data management and Open Science management (M1-M36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


For excellent internal communication, e-mail distribution lists as well as a joint e-platform for documents will be created. An Intranet Communication Platform, accessible to authorized persons only, will be established on the Lodz University of Technology website. Conference calls and meetings will be used as supplementary communication tool among consortium partners. The Data, Open Science, Innovation management and Quality management rules will be established in the Project Management Book, created by Management Committee ( MC) and adopted by General Assembly (GA) at its special virtual meeting in Month 4.  



Task 8.3. Monitoring and self-assessment of the project. Peer review / panels. (Month 1-Month 36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology, all partners


Project monitoring and making technical decisions during the execution of the project will be conducted by comparing the planned milestones and deliverables with their real implementation (metrics-based reviews). Risk management will be organized according to the Critical Risks Mitigation Plan.  



Task 8.4. Administrative and financial management (M1-M36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology, all partners


The administrative and financial management will cover: day-to-day management of the project in scope of administrative and logistics matters, transferring the advanced and further payments to the Partners in accordance with the Consortium Agreement, ensuring work progress, supervising and controlling the overall costs incurred, assistance to project Partners on specific administrative matters.  



Task 8.5. Project exploitation and follow up (M24 – M36 and beyond the project timeline)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology, all partners


It will be implemented via the regular development, amendment and implementation of the Joint Research and Innovation Road Map in cooperation with partner SMEs and via the support of the Industry-Research Dialog Platform including online knowledge exchange platform and survey tool of SMEs based on project webpage. Next, the results’ exploitation will be concentrated on widening of the international partners’ network and augmenting the number of joint international research projects. The project results will change the level of innovative product in Textile Reinforcement Composites (TRCs) field of the Faculty of Materials Technology and Textile Design and – respectively – the quantity and quality of the researchers’ publications and participation in international conferences and forums will change radically. To make the exploitation sustainable, from the beginning of the third year of the project implementation, the consortium will start developing the Strategic Post-Twinning Programme of Networking and Cooperation.  



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Project's office:


Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design

Institute of Architecture of Textiles

116 Zeromskiego Street, 90-543 Lodz, Poland

phone: +48 42 631 33 99


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